The scripted series Young Royals portrays the lives of the students at Hillerska, a prestigious Swedish boarding school, as they are trying to find their way through life. The series centers around Prince Wilhelm who dreams of a future filled with freedom and unconditional love, far away from his royal obligations. But when he unexpectedly becomes next in line for the throne, he must choose: love or duty. In its premiere week, the second season of Young Royals was the third most streamed non-English series (18,9 million hours streamed).
English title
Young Royals
6 episodes x 45 minutes
Martin Söder, Lisa Berggren Eyre
Rojda Sekersöz, Erika Calmeyer
Tove Forsman, Sofie Forsman, Pia Gradvall, Ebba Stymne
Two Kristallen awards 2022: Best young drama series of the year and TV show of the year